
Posts Tagged ‘oil disaster’

Remembering the Wetlands

June 6, 2010 Leave a comment

I love the wetlands. I used to love going out in the bayous and estuaries in my perouge, and trawling motor. I’d set trot lines for catfish, go crabbing, go crawfishing. I found oysters. I could never get enough of watching the graceful blue herons, gliding over the water. I would be at peace there, one with nature. I remember when I flew to New Orleans from Chicago, in 1977. We circled over the wetlands. It was mesmerizing.You used to be able to drive out to where Jean Lafitte’s fort used to be. We saw some of the other forts that were there. Within two years of my moving here, they were covered with water. I was grateful to have seen and walked across a piece of Ameican history, when I could.

But you can’t see them now. The Gulf has washed over them, as the wetlands have been destroyed, in favor of the oil companies with their barges. I live closer now than I did thirty years ago, to the Gulf, because of the erosion. I wanted to come back to see the beauty again first hand, and to show Wes how beautiful Louisiana really is

And now, BP has gone and ruined it. You evil, sorry rotten bastards, I hope you go bankrupt, and die in prison, you dirty rotten money grubbing life-hating, nature-abhorring bastards. I hope you rot in hell.

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A Humorous Rant about the Live Feed

June 3, 2010 Leave a comment

Okay, so I’ve been looking at the live feed from the Gulf all morning. I’m sorry, but it looks like a damn ultrasound.
I got just one question, when is the baby due?! Why don’t they just put it in some stirrups, for crying out loud. That’s what the doctor does. Maybe that’s what BP needs, and OB-GYN. Nurse, Get the forceps.
I just thought we needed a little levity at this point. This is just so godawful. However, I simply can’t go on like death warmed-over.
(Pause while I channel Sam Kennison.)
Why don’t we just jam Dick Cheney’s fat ass in there? I’d feel so much better. And, he would finally have served his country. Just a suggestion….

(Yes, the anti-depressants are finally working!)

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An Open Letter to Our Federal Legislators from South Louisiana

May 28, 2010 Leave a comment

You don’t get it. We were not made whole after Katrina. And now we’ve been struck down again. Now it’s the oil corporations at war with the people, with the legislators blessings. And here in Louisiana, we have no representation. We only have Mary Landrieu, who is more concerned about the oil corporations than the people who are being exploited and destroyed by the industry she so adores. BP has told fishermen, hired to help save their wetlands and their way of life, that if they wear respirators, they’ll be fired. Now they are demanding no less than our lives.

And for what?! Hasn’t BP killed enough of us already? Why do they need to kill more of us? This is our water, this is our oil, these are our people, these are our wetlands and fisheries that are being murdered for their greed! We have David Vitter, and Steve Scaliese, who have never seen a federal regulation they haven’t been against if it meant less profit for business, particularly if it could protect our rights as citizens. We have Bobby Jindal, a Governor that doesn’t see us as living breathing human beings he was elected to lead. All he sees is numbers on a piece of paper, to step on as he endeavors to make his way back to Washington, where he can really injure and maim humanity.

The planes that are dropping Corexit 9500, a poison, on the water are also spilling it on houses of people on land in Mississippi when they return to land. We have Haley Barbour, who has done nothing to help his fishermen. Why are we so hated by you? We are the ones that elected you. We trusted you to lead us, to look out for America’s best interests. And you’ve sold us out. You don’t care. You are great all great pimps and panderers, prostituting America!